90 Miles From Tyranny : White Students At $64,957-Per-Year College Start SEGREGATED Club Dedicated To Bashing White People

Friday, November 4, 2016

White Students At $64,957-Per-Year College Start SEGREGATED Club Dedicated To Bashing White People

A group of white students at Pomona College established a new, white-people-bashing group this week with the impressively long, 10-word title: “We’ve Got Work To Do: White People for Deconstructing Whiteness.”

Pomona — one of America’s ritziest liberal arts colleges — is a small, private bastion in Southern California where the cost for one year of tuition, fees and room and board is $64,957. (The school belongs to the five-college Claremont Consortium.)

“White people at the 5C’s: we’re all racist. we’re all microaggressive,” an advertisement for the white-people-bashing group declares.

The Claremont Independent, a student newspaper, obtained the advertisement this week.

Read more HERE

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