90 Miles From Tyranny : Car plows into counter protesters during white nationalist rally in Virginia

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Car plows into counter protesters during white nationalist rally in Virginia

Goldy’s Periscope video shows a demonstrator on the hood of a car as it was being pushed from behind by another vehicle.

The video shows the car that rear ended the vehicle immediately speeding away in reverse.

The scene was immediately chaos as the injured lay on the ground and others attempted to flee the scene.

“A lot of people got hit,” Goldy reported.

Blood could be seen on the hood of one of the cars involved:

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/latest-news/article166895372.html#storylink=cpy



  1. Protesters blocking the street. They got run over. The driver of car two who rammed the first car has a problem. Idiots blocking that street have a problem. Arrest and convict them all with felony vehicular homicide. A felony on your record will follow you for life.

  2. Soooo.I blind fold myself and step onto the interstate highway, and might I add...get run over. Is it the cars fault...I WAS AT THE WRONG PLACE AT THE WRONG TIME

  3. And remind me again why I would not take holiday in North Korea


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