90 Miles From Tyranny : Muslim migrant mobs turn violent, riot, attack German popular folk fair

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Muslim migrant mobs turn violent, riot, attack German popular folk fair

Another grand Western tradition destroyed by the hijrah. Music festivals, concerts, New Year’s celebrations, Christmas markets will fade from public life — the risks will be too great. And in their place, under the falsity of respect for Islam, will be Muslim rituals and traditions.


All attackers were “immigrants or German citizens of immigrant-background.”

As Germany marks the second anniversary of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s fateful decision to open the country’s border to more than a million ‘refugees.’ gangs of migrant men rioted and disrupted a German popular folk fair, the “Fellbacher Herbst,” near the German city of Stuttgart.

“More than 60 youths aged between 15 and 19 planned beforehand to riot on Sunday and Saturday evening” reported the local German-language newspaper Stuttgarter Nachrichten on Wednesday. The rioting led to several injuries and at least one person was hospitalized after being attacked by a “dangerous instrument,” the newspaper revealed.

According to the local police, the violent mob was “exclusively” comprised “of immigrants or German citizens of immigrant-origin.” The media reports did not comment on the nationalities or the actual motives of the rioters.

The folk festival Fellbacher Herbst is regarded as the largest autumn and wine festivals in southern German state of Baden-Württemberg. Stuttgarter Nachrichten reported the incidents that took place last weekend:

Two gangs of youth from Fellbach and the surrounding areas had “planned beforehand to carry out the riot,” the officials from the mayor’s office and Fellbach Police said in a statement concerning [the event] over the weekend. Especially noticeable was the fact that the violent gang was made up of very young men. Around 60 young men between the ages of 15 and 19 clashed with each other. According to information provided by the police, they were all “exclusively German citizens of migrant-origin or migrants”.

The teens managed to evade the police and build small groups, forcing the police to...Read More HERE


  1. The Politzi used to be very good about beating the crap out of people misbehaving.

    Just saying...

    1. The BPOL now do whatever Kamerad Merkel tells them. And she sides with the raghead terrorist invaders.

      Of course, there is always the Northern Ireland solution:
      Paddy One Shot

      It is amazing how effective that can be...


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