90 Miles From Tyranny : Why ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Day’ Is Far Worse Than Columbus Day

Monday, October 9, 2017

Why ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Day’ Is Far Worse Than Columbus Day

If we really want to commemorate horrifying, unspeakable violence and oppression in the Americas, I’ve got the perfect holiday: ‘Indigenous Peoples' Day.’

Los Angeles and Austin, Texas have now joined the list of liberal-run cities that have eradicated Columbus Day from their calendars and replaced it with “Indigenous Peoples’ Day.” In LA, the desire to dis the European discoverer was so strong that they rejected a compromise proposal to keep Columbus Day and add “Indigenous Peoples’ Day” elsewhere.

“We need to dismantle a state-sponsored celebration of genocide of indigenous peoples,” said Chrissie Castro of the LA Native American Indian Commission. “To make us celebrate on any other day would be further injustice.”

Most Americans don’t agree. A new Marist poll finds 56 percent of Americans admire Columbus and support Columbus Day. They reject the idea that it’s a holiday about slaughter and enslavement. However, if we really want to commemorate horrifying, unspeakable violence and oppression in the Americas, I’ve got the perfect holiday: “Indigenous People’s Day.”

“Long before the white European knew a North American continent existed, Indians of the Northern Plains were massacring entire villages,” says George Franklin Feldman in the book “Cannibalism, Headhunting and Human Sacrifice in North America: A History Forgotten.” “And not just killed, but mutilated. Hands and feet were cut off, each body’s head was scalped, the remains were left scattered around the village, which was burned.”
Less Pocahontas and More Blood Sacrifice

When thinking of pre-Columbian America, forget what you’ve seen in the Disney movies. Think “slavery, cannibalism and mass human sacrifice.” From the Aztecs to the Iroquois, that was life among the indigenous peoples before Columbus arrived.

For all the talk from the angry and indigenous about European slavery, it turns out that pre-Columbian America was virtually one huge slave camp. According to “Slavery and Native Americans in British North America and the United States: 1600 to 1865,” by Tony Seybert, “Most Native American tribal groups practiced some form of slavery before the European introduction of...Read More HERE


  1. There is a "mystery" on why Columbus was so gracious with the indinas on the first trip, but lost his marbles on the second trip. The mistery is not such, just not taught even back in the 60s because it was gruesome for little kids to learn.
    When he was about to reurn to Spain, Columbus left a small post with men behind. When he returned on his second trip, the post was burn to the ground and his men dead.
    Now, what we were not told is how they died and we were to find out much later in College if you had a good professor: They were tortured and eaten.
    Columbus returned to see the remains of his crew as BBQ left overs. And I am not being funny since the concept of BBQ originates in these islands.
    The tribes populating the Caribbean were cannibals. In fact the word caribe means that. In Venezuela, the name given to the piranha is "caribe" because the fishies are vicious man eaters like the indians.
    So, when you are taking a cruise in the Caribbean Sea, know you are actually sailing the Cannibal Sea.
    So yes, that particular indian tribe was sought after and exterminated by the Spaniards.
    There is a rumor that some of them made a long move inland and are living still in the Northern Amazon.


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