90 Miles From Tyranny : Communism Does One Thing VERY Well...

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Communism Does One Thing VERY Well...

More on Socialists, Idiots, Mental Defects and Leftists...

Well, That Didn't Work... An Abbreviated History Of Communism...

Socialism Is A Theory Inconsistent With Human Nature..

No, America Was Not Founded On Racist Principles


  1. Truth be told, many adherents DO celebrate communism AND what it does best, and not just those who "win" and become artificially elevated. Soros, members of congress, and others in power seem to push for an end that would include their own. As I told a lefty woman I once had, I hope she gets her way, either only for them or after I am gone. If she/they really wanted it, now, go to Cuba or NorK. Not sure Cuba will remain so after the Castros, perhaps China these days?

  2. Remember that Bernie's campaign claimed the gulags "paid a living wage." And Bloomberg insists that farmers are stupid. Smash the filthy tribe swill for the evil they have done to this world for at least the past 100 years!!!


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