90 Miles From Tyranny : Memo to American Muslims: Erase the Doctrine of Jihad or Get Out!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Memo to American Muslims: Erase the Doctrine of Jihad or Get Out!

Since the loss of nearly 3,000 Americans on 9/11 and countless Islamic terrorist attacks since then, America has been subjected to an increasing Muslim population along with the growth of 3,000 mosques throughout our country, with the majority funded by Saudi Arabia. In the age of spineless and perilously non-judgmental multiculturalism, many Americans have not blinked at the sight of burkas and hijabs within our midst. Yet, if we continue to ignore the potential peril presented by a growing but largely unvetted Muslim population, we here in America will likely suffer the same fate as that of our Western European brethren, who are enduring a pulsating wave of violence stirred up in a cauldron of festering Islamic radicalism.

The question that begs to be answered is why we in the United States are importing a population whose religious tenets clearly call for jihad upon non-Muslims. Muslim apologists like to point out that not all Muslims commit violent or civilizational jihad, but that is irrelevant to the question of why we would even consider taking in a population raised with a religion the dogma of which in its literal form mandates our submission or death.

For the last 1,400 years, approximately 270 million people have been murdered in the name of Islam. This horrific outrage is not due to poverty, external oppression, or crusade. Islamic doctrine as recorded in the faith's holiest texts mandates jihad upon all infidels until all of mankind is under the dominion of...

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