90 Miles From Tyranny : 5 Things To Do Other Than Watch The Superbowl:

Saturday, February 3, 2018

5 Things To Do Other Than Watch The Superbowl:

Work Out:
Working Out is good for your health, your well being, and your sex life. This is a great time to catch up on your pushups, pullups, crunches and lunges.

Check Your Preps:

Inventory, update and improve on your TEOTWAWKI Preps. Check out your expiration dates and try to use expiring products and make a list of what you need to buy. How are your water purification preps? Air masks?

Catch Up on Sleep:

When was the last time you went to bed early and got a full eight hours sleep? Take a long, hot shower, leave the phone and tablet in the other room, and smile as you lie down to sleep knowing that Crooked Hillary Clinton will never be president.

Go to a Park:

Take your children or just yourself for a hike on local trails or watch your kids as they swing and slide at the neighborhood playground. Take some family members along and bond with the kids. Stop for pizza or ice cream on your way home. Fresh air and exercise will send everybody to bed at an early hour.

Clean Out the Garage:

Or the attic, junk drawer or email inbox. You have plenty of empty hours to fill on Super Bowl Day. Even the undisciplined end up with plenty of free time and no excuse to avoid tackling overdue chores.

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Record And Watch NHL Games
(see user comments below)

The NFL has become an Anti-American organization, don't enrich these leftists.  Their money goes to support leftist causes and to support leftist social justice entities that support the Marxist agenda to divide and conquer America. Just say no.

1 comment:

  1. Mike, can I add one more alternative?

    Three NHL games are on tomorrow. All early afternoon. But just record or DVR them and watch them instead. You'll NEVER see an NHL player "take a knee." Not ever.

    Stay well Mike.


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