90 Miles From Tyranny : By Accepting Communist-Chosen Bishops, Pope Francis Betrays Chinese Christians

Monday, February 12, 2018

By Accepting Communist-Chosen Bishops, Pope Francis Betrays Chinese Christians

On this particular Ash Wednesday, millions of Catholic faithful in mainland China have an extra reason to pray for God’s mercy: their earthly leader, Pope Francis, has betrayed them.

February 14, 2018 is a rare occasion when Valentine’s Day, a day of love, falls on the same day as Ash Wednesday. The ashes not only symbolize the dust from which God made us, but also grief that we have sinned and caused division from God.

Ash Wednesday opens Lent, a season of self-examination, repentance, fasting, and prayers that prepare us for Christ’s resurrection on Easter Sunday. On this particular Ash Wednesday, millions of Catholic faithful in mainland China have an extra reason to pray for God’s mercy: their earthly leader, Pope Francis, has betrayed them.

related: The Roots Of Pope Francis’s Communist Belief System...

Last week, the Vatican announced that Pope Francis plans to replace two Chinese bishops loyal to Rome with seven excommunicated men chosen by Beijing. Two of those seven men are alleged to have girlfriends and fathered children. Most importantly, all seven men put their loyalty to China’s communist government before their faith in God.

China has long demanded that the Vatican accept only Chinese government-appointed bishops and give them full authority to rule a Chinese diocese. But Francis’s predecessors in the Catholic Church have long believed, as Pope Benedict XVI said, “the authority of the Pope to appoint bishops is given to the church by its founder Jesus Christ. It is not the property of the Pope, neither can the Pope give it to others.”

Yet in Pope Francis the atheist Chinese Communist government found a willing partner eager to give in to their demands. Pope Francis seems to have no problem subordinating his authority to a repressive communist government. Even China’s state-run newspaper Global Times acknowledged that Pope Francis has made “substantial concession.”

China’s Regime Steadfastly Persecutes Christians

Catholics, like other religious groups in China, have long suffered persecution since the Communist takeover in 1949. Under Chairman Mao’s iron fist, China exterminated all religions in China during the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976). Worship sites were destroyed and religious workers forced to return to secular lives. Many were persecuted, and some even lost their lives.

Since the 1980s, with China’s economic reform, the Chinese government has showed a limited level of tolerance to religions and believers “so long as they were under the control of ‘patriotic’ associations.” Since then, China’s Christian population’s growth has...
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  1. In doing this, the Vatican doesn't only betray Chinese Catholics, but Catholics worldwide.

    I'm Catholic. Question is, is the Vatican still Catholic?...

  2. What else would one expect from a heretical Communist faggot? After all, the Chicoms are his kith and kin. But then this is why the Purple Mafia installed him in the first place.


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