Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Hollywood’s Congressman Adam Schiff has been having a tough week. The chief inquisitor in the Russian witch and probable leaker of confidential information to the media suffered a political defeat when the House Intel memo on FISA abuses was released but that was only the beginning of his problems.

Schiff is unraveling before our very eyes and has made such unhinged claims that the Russians are funding pro-Second Amendment ads because they want Americans to kill each other as well as saying that the FISA memo release could lead to an Oklahoma City bombing scenario.

But the best example of the mental instability of this goofy bug-eyed fascist geek came with a report that he was trolled by two Russian pranksters who were offering him naked pictures of President Trump.

Let that sink in for a minute…
Via the Daily Mail “EXCLUSIVE: Adam Schiff sent his staff to try and collect ‘classified materials for the FBI’ after Russian pranksters told him Putin has NAKED blackmail pictures of Trump”:
The ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee was the victim of a prank phone call by Russian comedians who offered to give him ‘compromising’ dirt on Donald Trump – including nude photos of the president and a Russian reality show star.

DailyMail.com can disclose that after the prank, his staff engaged in correspondence with what they thought was a Ukrainian politician to try to obtain the ‘classified’ material promised on the call.

On an audio recording of the prank call posted online, Adam Schiff can be heard discussing the committee’s Russia investigation and increasingly bizarre allegations about Trump with a man who claimed to be Andriy Parubiy, the chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament.

The call, made a year ago, was actually from two Russian comedians nicknamed ‘Vovan’ and ‘Lexus’ who have become notorious for their phony calls to high-ranking American officials and celebrities, including UN Ambassador Nikki Haley and Elton John.

Its existence was first reported by The Atlantic but not how a staff member working for the minority on the House Intelligence Committee pursued the information after the call.

Schiff’s office said the congressman suspected the call was ‘bogus’ from the beginning and reported it to authorities afterward.

But in a recording of the eight minute conversation, Schiff appeared to take the call seriously – or at least played along convincingly – and emails from the Democrat’s staff to the fake politician afterwards said he had found it ‘productive’.

Schiff began the call by thanking the ‘chairman’ Andriy Parubiy for his time and warning him that Russian spies were likely listening in.

‘I would caution that our Russian friends may be listening to the conversation so I wouldn’t share anything over the phone that you wouldn’t want them to hear,’ said Schiff.

Vovan, who was posing as Parubiy, reassured Schiff: ‘I don’t think that will impact on our investigation.’

The fake Parubiy claimed the Ukrainian government had obtained recordings and documents that proved Vladimir Putin was blackmailing Trump with naked photos taken during an affair between...Read More HERE

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