90 Miles From Tyranny : The Left’s Chilling Refusal to Stop Flirting With Marxist Ideas

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The Left’s Chilling Refusal to Stop Flirting With Marxist Ideas

The New York Times just can’t stop talking about communism.

Recently the Times ran an editorial headlined “Happy Birthday, Karl Marx. You Were Right!”

The piece, written by Jason Barker, a professor in South Korea, is about what one would expect from a defense of communism. As one Federalist writer noted, it was “beyond parody.”

Hilariously, the article was behind a very capitalistic paywall.

The New York Times hasn’t shied away from publishing Marxist boosterism.

In 2017, the Times dedicated an entire section of its website to the 100-year anniversary of the communist revolution in Russia. It featured an assortment of absurd pieces running the gamut of declaring Lenin a hero environmentalist to claiming that women had better sex lives under socialism.

This romanticized account of life under communism is a delusion.

Of course, while the most ridiculous claim in the most recent piece is that Marx has somehow proven to be correct, it’s notable it goes a step further to say that essentially nobody questions his fundamental critiques of capitalism.

“While most are in agreement about Marx’s diagnosis of capitalism, opinion on how to treat its ‘disorder’ is thoroughly divided,” Barker wrote.

It seems fair to conclude that actually there is widespread doubt about Marx’s claims about capitalism—unless, of course, one lives in a neatly sealed left-wing bubble.

The fact is, Marx was wrong about everything.

He was wrong about economics, wrong about the flow of history, wrong about religion, wrong about where his ideas would lead, and most importantly, wrong about...Read More HERE


  1. Marx is just like Che Guevara for modern libtards. A picture on a t-shirt as a pose to signal their revolutionary awareness. "Aren't I bad?", as the tingles flow through their mangina.

  2. He probably was right about the 125+ million dead.


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