90 Miles From Tyranny : The Philosophy Behind Rush's Lyrics

Sunday, May 20, 2018

The Philosophy Behind Rush's Lyrics


  1. Thanks Mike, One of my top 5 bands for sure. Linking at my site :)

    1. Thanks Irish! 2112 is my #1 favorite album of all time!

  2. Same here. That one CD I can play over and over during the commute ��

  3. I still remember the first time that I heard Rush. I was painting the bedroom while listening to a small, local FM rock station and they played "The Necromancer". Whoa, baby! I went out that afternoon and got the album "Caress of Steel" on an 8-track. Been a big fan ever since...........

    1. I bought the 2112 album because I liked the cover. The rest is history. :-).

      Working man was the song that got the started. It was long and was played so the DJs could take a bathroom break. I’ll look ok up the link to the story.

    2. Caress Of Steel: Another Great Album!

    3. Ok, So this has always bugged me, On the song "Lakeside Park", I could never figure out what the reference to the 24th of May was. "And everyone would gather on the 24th of May, sitting in the Park to watch the fireworks display". Mind you the internet did not exist in those days! I found it here though: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lakeside_Park_(song)

    4. I can remember looking forward to the July fourth fireworks that were on n the park near my parents house. We would get someone to buy beer for us and all hand out early in the park. You could always sneak a boob grab when you were standing behind your girl as you were looking up at the fireworks. I bet we were no more than 30 yards away and they were right over head. That was in the 70s

    5. "Working Man" has the second best intro ever. The first is "Black Sabbath" by Black Sabbath or the Hendrix cover of "All Along The Watchtower". Or maybe "Working Man" is first and the others come in second and third. Oh, hell. It's a tie in my book................

  4. Heres a link:


  5. One more link:


  6. The 24th of may is Victoria Day.


  7. There are and were hundreds of bands that did the same thing. The entire prog rock movement was like this.


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