90 Miles From Tyranny : 6 Muslims, Including Iranian Diplomat, Detained in Plot to Bomb Paris Rally Attended by Giuliani

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

6 Muslims, Including Iranian Diplomat, Detained in Plot to Bomb Paris Rally Attended by Giuliani

The Islamic Republic of Iran could be in its last days, and when an animal is cornered, that’s when it lashes out. The disastrous nuke deal has been canceled, thanks to President Trump, and the mullahs are facing increasing protests and unrest at home. It is entirely within the realm of possibility that they would decide to attempt to strike out at an opposition force at this time. And if Giuliani had been killed in the process, they would think it was so much the better, since he is a close associate of the President. We can only hope that this rogue regime will very soon pass into history.

“6 Detained in Plot to Bomb Paris Rally Attended by Giuliani,” AFP, July 2, 2018:

Belgium, France and Germany have detained six people, including an Iranian diplomat, over an alleged plot to bomb a weekend rally by an exiled Iranian opposition group in Paris, authorities and sources said Monday.

The apparent foiled attack was to have targeted a meeting of thousands of Iranian opposition supporters in a northern suburb of the French capital that was also attended by leading US figures, including former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and close allies of President Donald Trump.

The developments came on the day Iranian President Hassan Rouhani arrived in Switzerland on a visit that Tehran said was of “crucial importance” for cooperation between the Islamic ...Read More HERE

1 comment:

  1. Never forget that Iran was a close ally of the United States right up until Jimmeh "Killer Rabbit" Carter forced the Shah from power. What would the Middle East be like today if it wasn't for that filthy treasonous piece of lying shiite?


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