90 Miles From Tyranny : Elizabeth Warren's Pow Wow Chow 'Cherokee' recipes were word for word COPIES of famous FRENCH chef's techniques

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Elizabeth Warren's Pow Wow Chow 'Cherokee' recipes were word for word COPIES of famous FRENCH chef's techniques

Massachusetts Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren is yet again in hot water after new allegations have surfaced that she plagiarized her 'Cherokee' recipes in the book Pow Wow Chow from the New York Times and other publications.

Radio talk show host Howie Carr released damning evidence that appears to confirm that Mrs Warren's weren't handed down from generation to generation, they were picked up in the newspaper.

Mrs Warren has been under scrutiny since she first claimed Native American heritage, arguing that because her great-great-great-grandmother was Cherokee, she is a member of the community.

The 1984 cookbook Pow Wow Chow was edited by Mrs Warren's cousin Candy Rowsey and is billed as a collection of recipes from the Five Civilized Tribes.

Mrs Warren's recipes are featured alongside her mother's directions for sugar cake and her two children's recipe for peach cobbler.

Mrs Warren's recipes include herbed tomatoes and a crab with tomato mayonnaise dressing, among other dishes.

But it appears that at least three of the five recipes featured in the book were fakes, according to an investigation by Mr Carr.

The two recipes for Crab with Tomato Mayonnaise Dressing and Cold Omelets with Crab Meat appear to be word for word copies of a French chef's design.

'When I was chef at Le Pavilion it enjoyed a considerable esteem in America, and the owner, Henri Soule, had one particular specialty that he would ask to have prepared for his pet customers. The dish was a great favorite of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor and Cole Porter,' wrote chef Pierre Franey in an article syndicated by the New York Times News Service on August 22, 1979.

Mrs Warren lists 10 ingredients for the cold omelet, while Mr Franey lists only four, but the preparation of the omelet is nearly identical, with both detailing the use of a 'seven-inch Teflon pan.'
'Heat about one-half teaspoon butter in the pan. Add about one-third cup of the egg mixture. Let cook until firm and lightly brown on the bottom, stirring quickly with a fork until the omelet starts to set. When set slip a large pancake turner under the omelet starts to set. When set, slip a large pancake turner under the omelet and turn it quickly to the other side. Let cook about five seconds. Remember, you want to produce a flat omelet, not a typical folded omelet. Turn the omelets out flat onto a sheet of was paper. Continue making omelets until all the egg mixture is used,' Mrs Warren wrote.

The only difference in the recipes is that Mr Franey said the egg mixture should be...Read More HERE

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