90 Miles From Tyranny : Mini ice age in a “matter of months”?

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Mini ice age in a “matter of months”?

An Italian website is concerned about the lack of sunspots.

Here are excerpts:

26 Nov 2018 – Today’s lack of sunspots, characteristic of a solar minimum, could bring record low temperatures, but some experts suggest it could even produce a “mini ice age,” warns this article on mateoweb.eu.

“Something unusual, but perhaps not so unusual on a large scale, is happening to our sun.

“We are currently living in the 24th solar cycle recorded. What is believed to cause a mini ice age is a prolonged solar minimum, ie an extended period of time when the sun does not have sunspots.

“The last time a prolonged solar minimum was recorded, a mini ice age really occurred and was called Minimo di Maunder. This period lasted from 1645 to about 1715. In these 70 years, sunspots became extremely rare.Spaceweather.com claims that sunspots have been absent for most of 2018, to the point where they feel that a reaction is coming from the upper atmosphere of the Earth which, in turn, could produce these temperature differences.

“It could happen within a few months. If current trends continue, a cold record in the space age could soon be established,” said Martin Mlynczak of NASA’s Langley Research Center. Speaking of the potential cold wave that could reach us, Mlynczak said that “we are not yet close”, but a matter of months is not so long.

During the last ice age the entire earth was NOT covered in ice, but this is a fun image anyway. If the continents had been totally covered in ice, then sea levels would have been far, far lower and the continents larger, rendering this image totally wrong.

The data obtained from NASA’s TIMED satellite (Thermosphere Ionosphere Energetics and Dynamics) demonstrate that the upper layer of the air surrounding the Earth, known as the thermosphere, is shrinking and cooling, literally decreasing the radius of our...
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