90 Miles From Tyranny : Wind Power Blues: Belgium could face electricity shortages in winter with low winds

Friday, November 30, 2018

Wind Power Blues: Belgium could face electricity shortages in winter with low winds

Belgium could face electricity shortages in January if the thermometer falls below -5°C and there is little wind, the association of European high-tension managers, ENTSO-E, warned on Wednesday.

The association, which studied the availability of electricity supplies this winter in Europe, said that if the weather remained normal, it did not foresee any problems. However, if the cold weather peaks in Europe, increased monitoring would be needed at the start of the year in Belgium, France, northern and central Italy and Slovenia.

Should electricity plants stop working and there is little wind, these countries would need to take exceptional measures, ENTSO-E said.

According to the simulations conducted, there could be problems for Belgium in the third week of January, ENTSOE-E noted. Should temperatures drop below -5° and if wind capacity is reduced to 30%, shortages could, in fact, ensue, the association warned...Read More HERE

1 comment:

  1. Isn't Belgium where the EU headquarters are located? If so, what seems to be the problem? So a whole shitload of politicians might freeze to death. Big deal!


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