90 Miles From Tyranny : A Border Patrol Agent Breaks Down the 5 Main Reasons Why the Migrant Caravan Is Dangerous to America, Americans, Children, and Families...

Saturday, December 1, 2018

A Border Patrol Agent Breaks Down the 5 Main Reasons Why the Migrant Caravan Is Dangerous to America, Americans, Children, and Families...

Anyone with a shred of common sense should already know why the migrant caravan presents active dangers to American society.

Despite that, liberals still seem utterly convinced that those migrants should be welcomed into America with open arms and borders. I guess I did qualify this with “anyone with a shred of common sense,” but it’s still infuriating.

But don’t take my word for it, I’m hardly an expert when it comes to border security. I just know that border security is an important facet of any sovereign nation.

Someone who does know about border security? Border patrol agent Brandon Judd. And through a video he posted through the Daily Caller, Judd is able to distill the dangers of the migrant to 5 key points.

The first reason Judd gives is the economic impact the migrant caravan can have on America.

Citing a Pew Hispanic Center study published by the Federation for American Immigration Reform, Judd cites that 8 million out of an overall population of 11.2 million illegal immigrants occupy the American workforce. That’s a blistering 71.4 percent of illegal immigrants occupying American jobs.

“That is a huge economic impact on the country,” Judd states. “That’s something that can affect each and every individual.”

Judd then presents crime as the second major impact the caravan can have.

The Department of Homeland Security has already reported that over 270 members of the migrant caravan are convicts or known gang members.

“If we look at how many U.S. citizens have lost their lives, either to murder, to drunk drivers that have hit their vehicles, we’ve lost an awful lot of U.S. citizens to crime in the United States that is caused by the illegal aliens,” Judd says.

The third reason Judd brings up is the active endangerment of U.S. Border Patrol agents. Considering the physical clash at the San Ysidro Port of Entry, wherein migrants allegedly threw rocks and other projectiles at the agents, Judd’s third warning has already come to fruition.

“Oftentimes we come into conflict in which they assault our agents, they actively resist our agents,” Judd said. “Which then makes it very difficult for our agents to do their jobs.”

Judd then goes on to cite political unrest as the fourth danger the caravan presents.

“Whenever you have people that are coming to a sovereign nation and they’re trying to impose their will upon another government, you’re going to have problems,” Judd said. “What’s happening is these people are coming here and they’re saying, ‘I’m going to break your laws and you’re going to like it.’ And frankly, we shouldn’t like it.”

The fifth and final reason Judd gives is the concern over drug smuggling.

“The cartels control all of the illegal crime that takes place both on the north side and south side of the border,” Judd said. “Not only are they smuggling illegal aliens, but they’re also smuggling drugs.”

Considering the horrifying numbers of drug-related deaths in America, Judd also nails this on the head. To be fair, it’s unlikely that completely stopping illegal immigration would absolutely stop the flow of illegal drugs in this country, but it certainly wouldn’t hurt that endeavor.

Judd also give a “bonus” reason, and it involves the...

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