90 Miles From Tyranny : Just When I Thought We Got Rid Of Jeff Flake...

Friday, January 4, 2019

Just When I Thought We Got Rid Of Jeff Flake...

Hopefully there is no McCain 2.0 or Corker 2.0

Timeline: Mitt Romney’s History of Backstabbing Donald Trump


  1. Remember when this Ass-hat was crucified by the liberals for the dog on the roof? Now that he's come out and criticized PDJT he's the left's new darling. What a f*cking tool.
    Happy Friday!

  2. The Flake was a thrall of St John of Hanoi. With Songbird gone, he had no mind of his own. That's why he quit.

    Milton was smacked by everybody when he wrote that piece. He will behave now.


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