90 Miles From Tyranny : Justice Served...

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Justice Served...


  1. Not enough amperage he walked away.

  2. here in colorado that is called a man-trap and considered illegal. I don't care. very good video. nice use of a fence power supply. I use magneto vibrator coil system off an old beech 18 for primary supply and an Ecoil from a ford for the secondary output. I use long range allen bradley photoeyes to trigger the system power and a one shot time delay relay to reset the system after five seconds. and no, the perps do not get to let go once the grab on. after observation, i figured five seconds was enough for them to cross the lawn and grab the sign. found a pvc post to be an good insulator between the "sign" and the screen ground in the grass. can't wait for the next election cycle. need to modify my cameras for better night vision. probably take off the infra red filters. It's hell to have all this free time to fill with these little projects around the house. busy, busy, busy...


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