90 Miles From Tyranny : Mainstream media covers up atrocious murder of two German teenagers

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Mainstream media covers up atrocious murder of two German teenagers

Three German teenagers were pushed onto the tracks of a station in Nuremberg, directly in front of an approaching train. Two of them were run over by the train and killed instantly. The alleged perpetrators of this heinous act were two older teenagers with a migrant background.

Despite the fact that the killers’ actions were deliberate and intentional, the mainstream media obfuscated what happened, saying that “the boys fell onto the tracks after a scuffle”. The event was described as a “tragedy”, rather than an atrocity. And the murderers were referred to simply as “Germans”, because they were born in Germany.

At the Nürnberg S-train station Frankenstadion, three young boys from Franken were pushed onto the rails in the night of Friday to Saturday. Two of them were run over by the oncoming train and killed.

The cultural identity of the offenders was hidden by the Relotious-infestedmainstream media spoke deceitfully of “Germans”, in order to cloak the migration background of the murderers. Terms such as “accident” and “tragedy” were used. adding that the three 16-year-old’s “fell” onto the rails.

But German tabloid Bild on Monday morning uncovered the unpleasant truth: The murderers, or at least the manslaughterers, who pushed the three German boys onto the rails, foreigners born in Germany. One happens to be of Turkish origin and the other an Albanian of Greek origin.

The two victims, Luca and Frederic, were two Germans from Heroldsberg, which is eleven kilometers northeast of Nürnberg, and they were very popular in their hometown. Last Friday night the two high school students were visiting the Nürnberg dance club “Nightlife”, and around midnight they wanted to ride home on the train.

At the train station, after meeting a third friend, they got into an argument with the two Muslims. According to the police, the fight started for a ridiculously inane reason, which led to a highly aggressive reaction by the two offenders.

Some 500 years of Ottoman Islamic colonial rule has obviously left devastating tracks in Greece. On December 20, 2007, it was also a Turk (Serkan A) and a Greek (Spyridon L) who almost beat to death Bruno N, retired Director of the Hermann-Frieb School in Schwabing, at the Munich Arabellapark train station, simply because he indicated there was a no-smoking policy on the train.

While beating him they called him “filthy German”. After their trial they defiantly showed everyone the middle finger.

According to Bild, surveillance video of the crime scene in Nürnberg proves that there was pure intent to push the three onto the rails, since the train had already been approaching the station at roughly 80 km/h.

Since that train usually does not stop at that station, it ran over Luca and Frederic at full speed. The boys didn’t stand a chance, and they were both killed instantly. Their friend...

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