90 Miles From Tyranny : Melania Trump torches ‘The View’ for pushing inane ‘body double’ conspiracy in wake of tragedy

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Melania Trump torches ‘The View’ for pushing inane ‘body double’ conspiracy in wake of tragedy

The First Lady fired back at The View for pushing the inane “Melania Trump body double” conspiracy theory. 

First Lady Melania Trump slammed “The View” hosts for pushing the bizarre conspiracy theory that she used a body double during her weekend trip to visit Alabama tornado victims. The death toll from that tragedy has risen to 23 so far.

Melania’s rep, Stephanie Grisham, says the leftist mistreatment of conservative women is disgraceful. Grisham also called The View’s insensitivity toward the Alabama tornado victims “shameful.”

‘The View’: 23 People Dying In Tornado Is Hilarious

Grisham tweeted: “FLOTUS and POTUS traveled to Alabama to pay their respects and comfort victims of the tornado devastation. In typical fashion, The View chooses to laugh in the face of tragedy. Shameful.”

Trump Derangement Syndrome Is Getting Worse

Grisham added: “I’ve always found it sad that a group of women spend so much time attacking another woman, whose only goal is to help children. Yesterday’s show went beyond the petty, mean-girl spirit that we’ve grown accustomed to.”

President Trump also reacted on Twitter, saying leftists suffering from pathological Trump Derangement Syndrome “are only getting more deranged with time.”

The Fake News photoshopped pictures of Melania, then propelled conspiracy theories that it’s actually not her by my side in Alabama and other places. They are only getting more deranged with time!
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The View Host: I Spent an Hour Thinking About This

On The View, Trump-hating leftists Joy Behar and Sunny Hostin (a former CNN contributor) bloviated that Melania must have used a body double over the weekend because she looked different to them.

Melania wore her usual oversized sunglasses and did not wear her signature high heels.

Behar bleated: “In that picture, it doesn’t look like her. It’s a different-shaped face.”

Hostin spouted: “I spent, like, an hour on Saturday involved in this. Melania is a very tall, statuesque woman and the one that we saw, she looks kind of short. Look how short she...

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  1. I have been informed that joy Behar is really smart. so, in effect, she is playing stupid for money....


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