90 Miles From Tyranny : The Student Loan Debt Problem: Solved.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

The Student Loan Debt Problem: Solved.


  1. Lemme offer an additional set of solutions.

    Let me sue for being sold a worthless degree. I can do this to repay a mortgage if the house isn't what was promised.

    Let me go bankrupt if my circumstances warrant it. I can do this with any other kind of loan.

    While we're at it, let me sue the media for their stories which made employers think that because a school used predatory lending practices it also made what was taught at the school worthless; thus making the degree worthless.

  2. Indeed... The "millennial" attitude; "Debt is a part of life." 'Heard that from one of my kids; the one who borrowed $9K from me and hasn't made a payment on it for eight years... Yeah, kid; in your opinion, debt may be a part of life... SO'S PAYING IT BACK!


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