90 Miles From Tyranny : Looks like Robert Mueller ignored Jeffrey Epstein’s underage sex crimes the same way James Comey ignored Hillary Clinton’s crimes

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Looks like Robert Mueller ignored Jeffrey Epstein’s underage sex crimes the same way James Comey ignored Hillary Clinton’s crimes

If you still wondered just how pervasive the Deep State is, how high it reaches, how extensive its network, and how utterly corrupt and contemptible it is — this story should answer your questions.

As you may know, serial underage sexual abuser and billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein was arrested again on Saturday for the same ol’ thing: Underage sex trafficking between 2002 and 2005.

As reported by the Washington Examiner:

Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein has been arrested for allegedly sex trafficking minors in Florida and New York from 2002 to 2005.

The 66-year-old registered sex offender faces an indictment in which he will be charged on one count of sex trafficking minors and another for conspiracy to engage in sex trafficking of minors.

Epstein was busted for this very same thing earlier in the 2000s, and about a decade ago reached a plea agreement with federal prosecutors, including our current Labor secretary, Alexander Acosta. Epstein pleaded guilty to the charges but only served 13 months in prison rather than as many as 10 years considering that of his many victims, some were believed to have been as young as 14.

Why would any prosecutor agree to that? In fact, why would then-FBI Director Robert Mueller, who recently completed a probe into alleged “Trump-Russia collusion” that didn’t exist, let a predator like Epstein off so lightly?

As The Gateway Pundit reports, Mueller wasn’t just head of the FBI at the time, he was actually involved in Epstein’s case, which was run out of Washington, D.C.

In fact, according to some digging by Internet sleuth and lawyer who goes by “Techno Fog” on Twitter, Epstein may have been an FBI informant…for Mueller.

Wait. Was pedophile Jeffrey Epstein an informant for Mueller's FBI?

From the 5/24/18 FBI Vault release: "Epstein has also provided information to the FBI as agreed upon."

Is that why he escaped serious charges for molesting over twenty girls?
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Here's the thing: I'm seeing nothing in Epstein's 2007 plea deal with the DOJ that required him to provide information to the FBI. (see pics)

This begs the question of whether there was a separate agreement - still undisclosed - with the FBI.
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Techno Fog notes that there isn’t anything in Epstein’s 2007 plea agreement with the Justice Department that “required him to provide information to the FBI…This begs the question...

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