90 Miles From Tyranny : Gentlemen, The Enemy Have Appeared And They Are HILARIOUS!

Friday, August 23, 2019

Gentlemen, The Enemy Have Appeared And They Are HILARIOUS!

Twitter Bans Analyst Who Revealed AntiFa Connections With Journalists.


  1. Peter Pan's Kindergarten for Girls could take this cadre.

  2. The only problem I have is which of the limp wristed little bitches to knock out first.

  3. I'm not going judge them by appearances.

    I've recently bumped into several pics of my platoon from the way-back-when-there-were-two-Germanys...

    You'd never have believed that these same guys would kick ass in Desert Storm just a couple years later.

    Context... Goofy tankers in 1989 West Germany vs effeminate looking "Antifa" useful idiots? It's not their appearance that makes me unafraid.

  4. Well...... There is always the chance that I might die laughing....


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