90 Miles From Tyranny : Ivanka Trump Lobbies Congress to Reject the 2nd Amendment, Push Gun Control

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Ivanka Trump Lobbies Congress to Reject the 2nd Amendment, Push Gun Control

Trump’s liberal daughter is having a heinous effect on public policy.

Ivanka Trump has influenced her father to support gun control measures like red flag laws, and now she is working to convince Congress to do the same.

According to an Axios report, Ivanka has reached out to Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Pat Toomey (R-PA) recently to discuss gun control measures. She remains active in the nationwide push to restrict the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution.

“She called Manchin and said she was trying to get a sense of what bills are out there,” a Manchin aide said to Axios. “She had him explain how they drafted the bill, where it stands and what changes needed to be made in order for it to pass.”

A White House official has confirmed that Princess Ivanka “has trusted relationships on both sides of the aisle and she is working in concert with the White House policy and legislative teams.”

Following the mass shootings in El Paso, TX and Dayton, OH earlier this month, Princess Ivanka posted an image on Instagram expressing her sympathy for gun control.

“Congress should enact Red Flag laws / Extreme Risk Protection Orders in every state, increase resources dedicated to mental health support nationwide and close background check loopholes,” she wrote.

She also took to Twitter to proselytize on behalf of gun control, using the tragedies to push for liberal public policy goals:

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  1. I pray that cooler heads prevail this time. President Trump must understand that the push is on for a second civil war. The Democrats would love to see us in turmoil like Hong Kong or South America. He must also understand that he will lose the 2020 election if new laws are passed. I will not vote for him regardless of his other accomplishments. I will choose to sit this one out.
    Ivanka needs to go back home or just plain do something else!! As gun owners we have given too much ground in the last 50 years.
    I'm afraid that we are at the end of the road with no other way out except to fight.

  2. Trump, if you pass gun control,Warren will be the next president and the war will start.

  3. I spend a lot of time trying to talk 2A people off the ledge. You don't get much more 2A than me as I'm an 07 FFL. The biggest Trump accomplishment is what he's doing with the Judiciary. So long story short, pull your heads out and realize why it's mandatory Trump serve a second terms. The irony is the judges he's appointing may very well one day rule against him on guns. Figure it out.


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