90 Miles From Tyranny : ‘Meet the Press’ Talk: We Need to Condemn All Who Say ‘Illegal Immigrant’

Sunday, August 4, 2019

‘Meet the Press’ Talk: We Need to Condemn All Who Say ‘Illegal Immigrant’

The liberal media hate machine was running at full steam on Sunday in the wake of two mass shootings the left wanted to blame President Trump for. According to frequent NBC and MSNBC guest, radical Princeton professor Eddie Glaude, not only should we condemn the President but we also needed to condemn anyone who used the term “illegal immigrant”.

As NBC political director Chuck Todd turned to Glaude for his two cents, the MTP moderator lauded him for his past radical preaching’s. “I think in a good way making people uncomfortable when you would talk about it. In a way, it's like it's time to address it. We do see it shifted the conversation a bit,” Todd boasted.

“What does it mean to have a discourse in which people are dehumanized? Where you use a phrase like illegal immigrant,” Glaude bloviated. “Where the phrase itself places that person outside of a certain kind of sense of empathy and decency.”

Meanwhile, the liberal media has taken every opportunity to smear and label Trump voters as racist and worthy of contempt.

Glaude singled out former North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory, who was sitting at the table with him. “Children. You use this Governor, children carrying perhaps disease across the border. What happens? You set the stage for people who are even more on the extreme to act violently,” Glaude sneered.

“Governor, you can't condemn that without making the equivalency move,” Glaude angrily spat as he knocked on the tabled. The professor was upset because McCrory reminded the panel that left-wing terror organizations like Antifa existed (an organization that Todd had invited on to...

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  1. Fine! This has been said before. so how's about we call them what they really are. INVADERS!
    Y'all be happy with that one now, I'll bet. And anyone who doesn't like it should be called "enemy symathisers" and be thrown in jail.
    Effin commies.....

  2. Yep, illegal invader aliens.

  3. Demo are pushing it as far as it'll bend....till it breaks.

  4. Guess I’ll stick with “ spics” then.


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