90 Miles From Tyranny : Virgil: We’ve Seen This Movie Before–How Communist China Is Following Nazi Germany’s Playbook Against America

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Virgil: We’ve Seen This Movie Before–How Communist China Is Following Nazi Germany’s Playbook Against America

In old China, the kowtow was the bow of deep respect, even prostrate obeisance, to the Emperor.

Today, Americans are seeing the distressing spectacle of huge American corporations kowtowing to a new kind of emperor, Xi Jinping, and his Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The most recent flashpoint, of course, has been the self-abasement of the Houston Rockets basketball team.

As Breitbart News put it, the Rockets and the entire National Basketball Association have “caved” to Red China. Indeed, pro basketball is so eager to kowtow to Beijing that it has imported a little bit of Chinese-style totalitarianism to the U.S. Just on Wednesday, basketball authorities engaged in the pettiest possible censorship of its live audience at a game, right before a streaming camera.

Commissioner of the National Basketball Association Adam Silver speaks during a press conference prior to the preseason game between Houston Rockets and Toronto Raptors at Saitama Super Arena on October 8, 2019. (Takashi Aoyama/Getty Images)

We can leave it to the subversive wits at Babylon Bee to capture the utter craziness of the moment, in which woke corporate values have displaced familiar patriotic values: “NBA Now Requiring All Players To Stand For Chinese National Anthem.”

Of course, it’s not just the NBA; it’s Activision Blizzard, it’s Apple and Google. In fact, Bloomberg News circulated a long list of American companies that have similarly bowed down to China.

So what’s going on? How is it happening that American leading economic players are now taking orders from China? How did “Yankee Imperialism” turn into “Panda Imperialism”?

Once upon a time, there was the hopeful belief that capitalism and free trade would open up China. And yet by now, we’re learned that the Chinese dictatorship hasn’t been opened up by the flow of American money, it’s been empowered by all that cash.

In the words of New York Times columnist Farhad Manjoo, “A darker truth is now dawning on the world: China’s economic miracle hasn’t just failed to liberate Chinese people. It is also now routinely corrupting the rest of us outside of China.”

We might also let Chris Arnade, the ex-Wall Streeter who found his true calling as the photographer/chronicler of gritty “back row” America, tell this sorry tale his way; dripping with scorn for the “front row” of both parties, Arnade tweeted:

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