90 Miles From Tyranny : Illegal Immigrant Caravans and Criminal Catholics

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Illegal Immigrant Caravans and Criminal Catholics

The latest, lawless migrant caravan hurtling from Honduras to our southern border is as organic as AstroTurf.

The Central American trespassers now number between 2,500 and 4,000. Two weeks ago, slickly designed flyers disseminated on social media beckoned them to sign up for the latest journey and meet at a bus stop in San Pedro Sula. That village is caravan ground zero, where Honduras’s destabilizing Libre Party and its former top legislator-turned-agitator Bartolo Fuentes, have brazenly spearheaded past caravan organizing campaigns since President Donald Trump took office.

On Monday, the throngs reached the Mexico-Guatemala border, where mobs of mostly young men threw rocks and sticks at police—while sympathetic international “journalists” selectively captured and curated tired women and crying children on the trek with state-of-the-art cameras and livestreams.

Make no mistake: These are not desperate people suddenly seeking refuge from violence and harm. They are low-wage workers, pew-fillers and future ethnic-bloc voters being exploited by Big Business, the Vatican and the Democrat Party.

Pueblo Sin Fronteras may be the most recognizable name behind the caravans, but global Catholic elites play a central role in the coordination of this transnational human smuggling racket. Trump-bashing, American sovereignty-trashing Pope Francis donated $500,000 nine months ago from his Peter’s Pence fund to assist illegal immigrant caravan participants. The subsidies cover “27 projects in 16 dioceses and Mexican religious congregations” for “housing, food and basic necessities,” as well as “migrant” assistance programs “run by seven dioceses and three religious congregations: the Scalabrinians, the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary and the Hermanas Josefinas,” according to the Catholic News Service.

As I have reported on my investigations in “Open Borders Inc.,” the Catholic “Underground Railroad” of migrant safe houses that extend across Central America, through Mexico, and up to and into the U.S. is a well-oiled machine. The United Nations’ International Organization for Migration in Mexico has guaranteed supplies of medicine, hygiene products, construction materials, as well as therapy services and legal training, for caravan marchers who are housed at the...

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  1. The people doing this are what are known as cafeteria Catholics. They pick and choose what tenets of the Church they obey.

    If they obey any at all. Kind of like Pelosi Galore or the Kennedys.

    So don't talk about Criminal Catholics as if they represent the rest of us.

  2. there is faith and there is religion. often the two do not merge. religion has become big business. have faith in that.


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