90 Miles From Tyranny : Pelosi Signed Articles of Impeachment With Pens That Looked Like Bullets

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Pelosi Signed Articles of Impeachment With Pens That Looked Like Bullets

Even CNN commentators called signing “unusual” and “jarring”.

Nancy Pelosi signed the articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump with pens that looked like bullets as she and other Democrats laughed.

“These are the pens Nancy Pelosi used to sign the articles & she gave them out to colleagues. Wow they look like bullet cases,” commented Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo.
These are the pens Nancy pelosi used to sign the articles & she gave them out to colleagues. Wow they look like bullet cases. Join us now. ⁦@MorningsMaria⁩ ⁦@FoxBusiness
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“Holy shit this is fucking insane What is wrong with these people?” asked journalist Tim Pool.

After the signing, CNN reports that Pelosi, “handed out multiple pens to...

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  1. on the one hand, the handing out pens commemorated and important event in Congress or the Executive to recognize the input of certain members and staff to the event.
    on the other hand, it is to an extent an attempt to share the blame and guilt for doing a shameful act in the name of the people.
    on the gripping hand, the pen could be used to commit political suicide by recognizing and identifying her fellow travellers to the electorate.
    In any case. We the People will now be able to find which representative and which senator is hiding behind a mask of respect and truth; their true faces of deceit and cowardice from the People who sent them to office. Should deep state actors corece our representatives and senators to do their bidding by removing President Trump, those reps and senators will have a price to pay during the next three election cycles. The People have a long memory and have in the past been a vindictive bunch. Rep. Crow(d) CO. should begin looking forward to hard times back home in Colorado, regardless the present appearances of the states present politics. "special elections" have happened here for much less.

  2. And how much did that cost the American Taxpayers?


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