90 Miles From Tyranny : POLL: Trust issues with the FBI on the rise

Thursday, January 30, 2020

POLL: Trust issues with the FBI on the rise

People trust the FBI less than ever in light of the latest revelations about the FBI’s wiretapping misconduct. That’s according to the latest unscientific poll at SharylAttkisson.com.

Sixty percent (60%) of the respondents stated they trusted the FBI less in light of the recent reports of misconduct by the FBI, while 38% said their feelings had not changed and they do not trust the FBI.

Read the full results below. Meantime, be sure and vote in our latest poll at SharylAttkisson.com on the home page. Look for the black box in the right sidebar or scroll way down on the mobile site!

With revelations about FBI wiretapping misconduct I trust the FBI:

< 1% More

60% Less

<1 div="" same="" still="" trust="">

38% Same (don’t trust)

<1 care="" div="" don="" i="" know="" t="">


  1. well, just take their guns away. lawyers don't need guns. that's what marshals are for.

  2. Today's Flynn ruling won't help the FBI's reputation either.


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