90 Miles From Tyranny : A History Of Governments That Disarmed Their Citizens:

Monday, February 17, 2020

A History Of Governments That Disarmed Their Citizens:


  1. The democRATz biggest wet-dream is to be able to advertise America as a soft target by putting the world's largest "Gun Free Zone" sign on America!

  2. The numbers on that are so far off, they minimize the import of the message.

    Russia - 20 mil in the famine and dispossession of the kulaks
    18 mil in the purges
    5 mil during WWII
    10 mil in resettlement and the Doctors' Plot

    Red China - 20 mil in purges after the Chinese Civil War
    35 mil in the Great Leap Forward
    67 mil in the Cultural Revolution and the political jockeying that followed.

    PS Hitler murdered about 14 mil, of whom 5.5 mil were Jews - the significance of this is that it represented half the Jews in Europe, including almost all the gypsies in Europe.


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