90 Miles From Tyranny : Bloomberg spent $10 million on a Super Bowl ad that was a complete fabrication

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Bloomberg spent $10 million on a Super Bowl ad that was a complete fabrication

Far-left Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg is an anti-gun radical. So, naturally, he ran a $10 million anti-gun Super Bowl commercial Sunday. The only problem is he gave misleading information about the subject of the ad and he cited incorrect data on gun-related deaths for children that included adults and suicides. Furthermore, he didn’t bother to mention the problems are suicides and gangs, not guns.

The ad focuses on the tragic life and death of George Kemp Jr. He was shot and killed in 2013. His broken-hearted mother narrates, followed by this statistic, “2,900 CHILDREN DIE FROM GUN VIOLENCE EVERY YEAR.”


Right off the bat, George Kemp was not a child, he was 20 years of age when he was killed. George Kemp died in a park where he met other men to settle a ‘personal matter.”

The confrontation was described as “gang-related” by a Texas appeals court, According to the court, “two groups of young men, most of them teenagers, had met that night for a fight.” Two of them, including an 18-year-old, Corey Coleman, fired the handgun rounds that struck Kemp. Coleman was convicted of murder and sentenced to 34 years in prison.

It wasn’t gun violence, it was gang violence.


Also, the ad didn’t cite a source for its 2,900 statistics. Stephen Gutowski, the firearms policy reporter for the Free Beacon, stated that the figure appears to come from a study done by Everytown for Gun Safety.

‘Everytown’ is a radical gun control-centered nonprofit founded by Bloomberg.

Gutowski found that the study included 18 and 19-year-olds in its research, despite claiming the statistic was regarding the deaths of children. He found the figure was...

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1 comment:

  1. see here, this is all from the mind of a man who's advertising identifies him as one who's was brain damaged as a child by walking uphill to and from school wearing only his threadbare underwear and no shoes in the snow during summer vacation all of which left him a bitter man out to destroy those he identifies as his enemies in life. his pitiful life led "good people" to donate their spare time to support him. he's a self centered billionaire with ambition to control the lives of those he believes are not intelligent enough to know the toilet paper only comes off the roll in one direction.
    like any other nazi, he is only interested in the absolute control of the lives of people he considers to be the "untermenschen". As Trump has stated, "they" aren't after him, it just that he is standing between "them" and you


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