90 Miles From Tyranny : Despite Record Media Bias, Trump More Popular Than Obama at Same Point in Presidency

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Despite Record Media Bias, Trump More Popular Than Obama at Same Point in Presidency

From the day Donald Trump declared his candidacy for President of the United States he faced an unprecedented media onslaught that unsuccessfully tried to sink his campaign.

As anyone with eyes and ears is aware, that has continued during his tenure as President. During his first hundred days in office, 89% of network coverage of the Trump presidency was negative.

For the entire year of 2018, coverage was 90% negative.

During the recent impeachment hysteria, media bias maxed out with 100% negative coverage.

And despite all of that, President Trump is now more popular than President Obama was at the same point during their respective presidencies.

According to Rasmussen Reports, President Trump’s approval today stands at 52%, while Obama’s stood at 47%.

Incumbent presidents generally have an advantage over their competition in elections, and Trump polling higher than the last incumbent to win re-election is a positive sign. President Trump has also been attracting a...

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1 comment:

  1. I have been waiting for the polls to catch up with the increase black, Hispanic and union voter
    Trump approval numbers. It is still too little and too late so I suspect that the Wilder/Bradley
    Effect is alive and well. Wilder and Bradley were black candidates and the polls all had them
    winning in a landslide. On election day, they both lost in a landslide. President Trump is
    so universally hated by the left that people may not be honest about who they are going to
    vote for in November. At recent Trump rallies, an average 20 percent of the people in attendance
    are registered Democrats.


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