90 Miles From Tyranny : Men charged with having $7 million worth of fentanyl released without bail under New York’s new criminal justice law

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Men charged with having $7 million worth of fentanyl released without bail under New York’s new criminal justice law

A judge allowed six men charged with possession of millions of dollars worth of fentanyl to be released without bail, a result of New York’s new criminal justice law, according to the New York Post.

Livo Valdez, Jaslin Baldera, Frederick Baldera, Frandi Ledema, Diego Tejada, and Parfraimy Antonio were arrested Monday in an alleged heroin and fentanyl packaging mill, in which police found hundreds of thousands of envelopes of fentanyl powder — valued at $7 million.

Authorities believe the massive amount of drugs was being packaged for distribution onto the streets of New York and the New England region.

The judge at Manhattan Criminal Court released the men after their arraignment Wednesday, citing the fact that they don’t have previous criminal records and that their families showed up for the court proceedings. Assistant District Attorney Michael Di Paolo argued that “none of them are eligible for bail.”

The men were ordered to surrender their passports due to ties to...

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  1. This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as when the baby gets hold of a hammer
    Will Rogers

  2. is it time for turning the entire state of new york into a prison and closing the gates and throwing away the keys? does any one think things in new york are so far out of hand that a bit of rebar against the side of the head may be the solution? asking for a friend.


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