90 Miles From Tyranny : Survey Finds People Who Identify as Left-Wing More Likely to Have Been Diagnosed With a Mental Illness

Friday, February 14, 2020

Survey Finds People Who Identify as Left-Wing More Likely to Have Been Diagnosed With a Mental Illness

The data speaks for itself.

A new survey of more than 8,000 people has found that those who identify with left-wing political beliefs are more likely to have been diagnosed with a mental illness.

Ann Coulter’s “liberalism is a mental disorder” catchphrase has become something of a clichéd meme, but the data appears to support it.

Carried out by Slate Star Codex, the online survey collected a wealth of data from respondents about their education, demographic, lifestyle and political views.

The results show that people who occupy the farther left end of the political spectrum are more likely to have been “formally diagnosed with depression, borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia.”

In addition, the results show that the highest percentage of respondents (38%) who admit being diagnosed with forms of mental illness also identify politically as Marxists.

In comparison, just 12.1% of conservatives say they have been diagnosed with a mental disorder.

While the survey is by no means scientific, it does give an insight into how disturbed people are more likely to be attracted to fringe leftist beliefs, which in a lifestyle sense usually encourage degeneracy and a lack of...

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  1. Hold your horses. Mental illness, for the most part, is fiction. The diagnosis basis makes it completely unreliable as a science. Only some social or psycho pathies can be medically confirmed, but only from an autopsy. Further, I have never heard of a case where a psychologist ever failed to find a treatable illness. I would actually lay money on bad behavior mostly coming from "professional" allowances and "medication". What this tells us is liberals are not just wrong about almost everything, they are also serious suckers... disbelieving in real objective God while trusting men, and women Lorretta, whom they hate with a passion (as well). ;P

  2. all this survey is illustrating is that anyone going to a shrink is going to be diagnosed as nut. it just that nervous libtards tend to visit shrinks more than conservatives who are probably too busy making money to worry about such mundane things as being jealous or nervous or envious or stupid.


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