90 Miles From Tyranny : What Would You Do If You Truly Believed Inaction Would Be The Apocalypse?

Saturday, February 15, 2020

What Would You Do If You Truly Believed Inaction Would Be The Apocalypse?

Ramona is Not Just Your Common Annoying Pest....

Bernie's Trotskyites Are Not Just Pests. 
They Are Dangerous.
They'll Lose, But Expect Havoc.


  1. In general, not in favor of political violence except in self defense. Communists of various stripes tend to feel differently. During a college riot during the early 70s, the only blood I saw spilled was due to a vicious fight between the Trotskyites and the Stalinists. That's the only kind of political violence I could encourage.

  2. A question I asked also. The answer, if thought through, should terrify. It would be an intentional genocide that would put all the prior ones to shame.


  3. 2 things are keeping the lunatic left from putting everyone into a mass grave on any random day-
    1)they don't know how to use a shovel, and,
    2)they haven't been able to disarm the American People. yet.


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