90 Miles From Tyranny : Why They Hate Trump

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Why They Hate Trump

Nearly 50% of the American political world hate President Trump. Truly hate him. This is no mild disregard like it was for President Bush 43 “Dubbya,” he of the cowboy foreign policy. This is not the “He’s a total lightweight but he’s pretty harmless so we can sandbag him,” disrespect they had for George HW Bush. This is even deeper than the outright derision and scorn in which they held for Ronald Reagan.

No, this goes farther. This is hatred on a deep, visceral level. A we’d-revert-to-violence-if-we-could-get-away-with-it hatred. They really, really hate him -- personally, politically, any way you can slice it.

Here’s why:

He’s not one of “them.” He’s not a lifelong politician and he doesn’t practice the usual conventions of referring to his fellow politicos with false niceties, nor does he observe the tradition regarding respectful treatment of a hostile media. On the contrary, if a rival politician or national figure behaves badly, he calls them out in no uncertain terms, in a most horrifyingly “unpresidential” manner. Likewise, he’s turned the tables on the liberal media (coining the term “fake news”) and forever ended the past Republican tradition of rolling over and cowering in the face of liberal media criticism. His example has flowed downstream to many rank-and-file Republicans. Now, they too stand up and fight back. Trump has showed them how. He’ll never be forgiven for it.

His tweets tend to be harshly worded and extremely direct. The liberal media hates that President Trump has found an effective way to circumvent the liberal media filter and go around them completely. In response, they have stepped up their attacks dramatically in a vain effort to pre-emptively undercut his credibility. But harshly-worded or not (so much so that even some Republicans cringe), his tweets are invariably grounded in truth and they resonate with exactly how his supporters feel. The liberal media and his Democratic opponents on the Hill hate him for this.

His enemies blather wildly inaccurate inanities like, “He’s shredding the Constitution,” or “He’s a Russian asset,” or “He’s a racist, a misogynist, anti-immigrant, anti-Hispanic, a homophobe, an Islamophobe,” and so on, ad nauseum. All of it is demonstrably false. The entire Mueller Probe and the so-called “Impeachment” were colossal wastes of time and money, without the thinnest sliver of any allegation being anywhere near true. Yet his sworn enemies continue to sling accusations in the wild hope that something will stick.

The real reason they hate him so deeply is that he’s accomplished so much, kept so many promises, made so many Americans’ lives tangibly and obviously better. From lowering taxes and cutting job-stifling, burdensome regulations, to strengthening border security, to unleashing domestic energy production to the point that...

Read more: HERE

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