90 Miles From Tyranny : Did China Try To Kill The Pope With Corona Virus?

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Did China Try To Kill The Pope With Corona Virus?

On December 31, China finally announced that they had a problem with a pneumonia of an unknown cause.

On December 31, this odd event happened. It seemed so odd and out of place at the time that the event kind of stuck with me, like I knew there was something more to this story, but was left unanswered.  This woman was determined to grab the pope's hand and she made hand to hand contact for as long as she could.

People were concerned when the Pope fell ill on Ash Wednesday:

On March 25th Someone Close To The Pope Tested Positive For Corona Virus:

Is it possible that the Pope did come down with Corona Virus and they lied about it to protect the papacy and keep panic down? It's possible.

Do I think China tried to kill the Pope? Probably not. I sure would like to know who that Chinese woman was and I'd like to know what it was that she was saying. I'd like to know where she came from and where she went to.

China is untrustworthy, their lust for power is palpable. I would put nothing past them.

Inventor Of The Chinese Corona Virus:

1 comment:

  1. 'their lust for power is palpable'

    As is their lust for money. The Chinese are a virus infecting the earth and they shoukd be shunned completely until their government is overthrown and tried for crimes against humanity and they've mended their filthy ways.


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