90 Miles From Tyranny : Donald Trump Jr’s ‘must-read thread’ – we’re all waiting for apologies

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Donald Trump Jr’s ‘must-read thread’ – we’re all waiting for apologies

Donald Trump Jr. touted a “Must read thread” on social media that slammed the liberal media for “regurgitating” the narrative being pushed by the Chinese Communist Party about coronavirus.

The president’s son shared a link to a Twitter thread from a communications strategist and author who is demanding an apology from the press for pushing Chinese propaganda.

Drew Holden fired one shot after another at the liberal media for trusting in and reporting on the Chinese government’s release of information and data on its handling of the COVID-19 outbreak as well as the number of confirmed cases and deaths in the country.

Holden kicked off his series of tweets saying he was “looking forward to the correction and apology” from The New York Times on its reporting that cases in China were “dwindling” and the Communist country was now doing its humanitarian part to help the rest of the world infected with the virus that originated in one of its own cities.

Holden issued the same challenges to the Guardian and ABC News.

“Certainly an esteemed outlet like @Reuters would say something about this?” he asked in another tweet.

He went on to point a finger at Time and Atlantic Council before calling out the “moral lightweights” at...

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1 comment:

  1. The stories out of China, repeated by a fawning press, defy logic. How can a country with 4X the population of the USA, and where the initial outbreak occurred after many denials during the greatest human migration that occurs every year, be reporting half the confirmed cases as the USA according to the Johns Hopkins dashboard? The Chinese are just sssoooooo much better at disease containment? Please. Ask yourself this question. Why, according to companies that monitor social activity via smart phone signal movement, did 2 MILLION Chinese cell phones go DEAD when they had been in use prior to the outbreak?




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