90 Miles From Tyranny : Former Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum allegedly involved in drug overdose ‘orgy’

Friday, March 13, 2020

Former Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum allegedly involved in drug overdose ‘orgy’

The Democrat almost beat Ron DeSantis.

Former Tallahassee mayor and Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum was allegedly involved in a hotel drug “orgy” that resulted in an overdose. Law enforcement responded to the location following reports of an overdose where Gillum and two other men were intoxicated by methamphetamines and possibly other controlled substances.

The news, broken by conservative pundit Candace Owens, included a police report that shows Gillum was inebriated in the hotel room when police arrived. Three plastic bags contained what police believed to be crystal meth.

Removing one page of report that had @AndrewGillum’s personal address listed which was wasn’t my intent— but YES—
BREAKING: Democrat Andrew Gillum was involved in a crystal meth overdose incident last night in a Miami hotel. Orgy suspected, but unconfirmed.

Read the report:
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Here is the last page of the report which sites the crystal meth.

Guess Florida made the right move electing Governor Desantis

I am told @AndrewGillum and his buddies were naked when cops arrived, which is the reason a sex orgy is suspected, but not confirmed.
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From the police report:

Upon arrival, Miami Beach Fire Rescue was on scene providing treatment to Travis Dyson (PATIENT). Miami Beach Fire Rescue advised officers that Mr. Dyson was being treated for a possible drug overdose. He was in stable condition but as a precaution was going to be transported to Mount Sinai for further medical treatment.

Officers then made contact with two other males who were inside of the hotel room: Aldo Mejias (COMPLAINANT) and Andrew Gillum (INVOLVED, OTHER). Mr. Mejias stated the following to officers. Mr. Mejias provided his credit card information to Travis Dyson to rent a hotel room for the night. Mr. Mejias was to meet Mr. Dyson later in day. Travis Dyson rented the room at approximately 1600 hours on 03/12/2020. Mr. Mejias arrived at the hotel at approximately 2307 hours where he discovered Travis Dyson and Andrew Gillum inside the room under the influence of an unknown substance. Per Mr. Mejias, Mr. Dyson opened the hotel room door and immediately walked over to the bed and collapsed in a prone position. Mr. Mejias observed Mr. Gillum inside of the bathroom vomiting. Mr. Mejias stated that he observed Mr. Dyson having difficulty breathing, prompting him to wake him up. Mr. Dyson then began vomiting on the bed and immediately collapsed again. Mr. Mejias began conducting chest compressions on Mr. Dyson and proceeded to contact police and fire rescue.

Officers then attempted to speak to Mr. Gillum. Mr. Gillum was unable to communicate with officers due to his inebriated...

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  1. He'll be voted in for sure, now.
    Homosexual junky, the perfect democrat victim.

    It's all good here in the USA.
    All good................................

  2. Since he's a Demonrat, the incident certainly is a resume enhancement.


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