90 Miles From Tyranny : PBS reporter cries victim of race and sexism after Trump bludgeons her game of gotcha at presser

Monday, March 30, 2020

PBS reporter cries victim of race and sexism after Trump bludgeons her game of gotcha at presser

Like so many Americans, President Donald Trump appears to have grown weary of a frequently hostile media constantly jousting with him, playing a game of “gotcha” in the face of an unprecedented national emergency.

The Chinese virus COVID-19 has now been fully weaponized by the same cabal that tried to use the Ukraine controversy and the Russian collusion hoax to destroy Trump, as the narrative has shifted away from a lack of tests and is now focused on an alleged shortage of medical equipment to treat those infected with coronavirus.

At Sunday’s News briefing, PBS White House correspondent Yamiche Alcindor asked the president about a comment he made last week on Fox News’ “Hannity” about the request for equipment.

Trump quickly shut Alcindor down, holding the reporter up as an example of why so many people distrust the media.

“Why don’t you act in a little more positive — it’s always get ya, get ya, get ya,” Trump told the reporter. “You know what? That’s why nobody trusts the media anymore.”

“That’s why you used to work for the [New York] Times and now you work for somebody else,” he continued. “Look, let me tell you something. Be nice. Don’t be threatening.”

Trump would go on to remind Alcindor that she is “a journalist” and that in the fight against the coronavirus, they are all on the same...

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1 comment:

  1. Not surprised. These scribes have no other plays but to be derisive, dismissive, tormenting, and to feign some outrage 'slight. Beyond their press passes, they have nothing.


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