90 Miles From Tyranny : Happy Easter!

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter!

Easter has a different date every year because it’s based on the moon phases. In 325 BC, Constantine I led a council of Christian bishops who decided that Easter must always be a Sunday to honor the resurrection of Jesus. They also said it would immediately follow, but not land on, the first full moon after the Spring Equinox, which is why the date can fall anywhere between March 22 and April 25.


  1. Also, it makes more sense to observe Good Wednesday since Jesus Himself, predicted that He would be "in the heart of the earth" three days and three nights". That's a full three days, 72 hours, from His death to "the third day". He presented Himself in His resurrected body on "the first day of the week" in fulfillment of "Firstfruits" (Levitucus 23 and I Corinthians 15). --Ron W

  2. And it's the ecumenical date for equinox. That is, the Church defined Spring Equinox as being March 20th, even though it occasionally falls on the 21st.

  3. Did you also know that using CE rather than the millennial old AD is an affront to Christians?

  4. Did you also know that using CE rather than the millennial old AD is an affront to Christians?
    Thank You! I refuse to read any BS that has that politically correct crap in it

  5. PS Mike your site is always my first read of the day. course pretty girls might have sumpthin to do with that. lol


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