90 Miles From Tyranny : Facebook’s New Censorship Czar is Anti-Trump Leftist Who Made Barron a Punch Line Gee, I wonder where this is going.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Facebook’s New Censorship Czar is Anti-Trump Leftist Who Made Barron a Punch Line Gee, I wonder where this is going.

One of Facebook’s new “content oversight board” members who will decide what information is censored by the social media giant is Pamela Karlan, a leftist who infamously made Barron Trump the punch line of a joke.

“The independent board, which will be able to overturn Facebook and its CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s decisions on whether individual pieces of content should be allowed on Facebook and Instagram, is a high-profile response to criticism of how the social media company handles problematic content,” reports Channel News Asia.

One of the new members is none other than Pamela S. Karlan, an American professor of law at Stanford Law School, who made her name for herself for an anti-Trump rant during the impeachment hearings.

“The Constitution states that there can be no titles of nobility,” said Karlan during the rant. “So while the president can name his son Barron, he can’t MAKE him a baron

Melania Trump responded to the attack on Barron, a minor, by telling Karlan she “should be ashamed” of herself. The Trump administration called Karlan’s statement “disgusting” and she subsequently apologized.

Karlan also once described herself as a “snarky, bisexual, Jewish women” and was described by the New York Times as a “full-throated, unapologetic...

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  1. What is this "Facebook" you speak of?

  2. "That ain't no woman"-Austin Powers

  3. Never wanted to punch a woman in the mouth before the last 4 years.

    1. Equal rights also mean equal lefts.

  4. These f'heads are just not even trying to hide it any more.
    Points for honesty I guess.

    So if you're on Facebook (I never have been) and you lean even a little right, please post something this turd will ban you for. Let's see how many users they are prepared to attack.

  5. Why are all these people, especially women on the left and in politics so Fugly. Maybe sexual tension driving them. Seems universal, gotta be something.


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