90 Miles From Tyranny : Oregon county creates race-specific 'grounding space' to escape 'whiteness' during pandemic

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Oregon county creates race-specific 'grounding space' to escape 'whiteness' during pandemic

'Multnomah County is acting lawfully,' spokesperson declares.

In a daily report dedicated to news updates and guidance for county employees fighting the coronavirus, an Oregon county in the Portland area said it was creating a safe "grounding space" for minority staff to escape a predominant “whiteness.”

The April 5 "situation report" from the Multnomah County Office of Emergency Operations Center announced that the "Emergency Operations Center Equity Officer is hosting a grounding space for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) employees to share, heal, connect, and get grounded in a space that is not dominated by whiteness."

Heather Mac Donald, a Stanford-trained attorney and fellow at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research who writes about policing, homeless advocacy, criminal-justice reform and race relations, told Just the News that Multnomah County’s actions are particularly disturbing during a time of emergency.

“Identity politics long ago jumped from the university into the world at large, above all, into highly receptive government agencies and social service groups,” Mac Donald said. “It is of course outrageous that any alleged public health or service organization would spend any energy on reinforcing racial victimology and racial discrimination during this time of allegedly overburdened public health systems. But race hatred has been so baked into many government agencies by now that it is par for the course.”

Ron Christie, an African-American and senior staffer in the George W. Bush administration who was instrumental in getting federal backing for the The National Museum of African American History and Culture at the Smithsonian Institution, told Just the News that he found Multnomah County’s initiative to be "unconscionable.”

“If what has been reported in Portland is true, that people are being identified and classified based on racial or ethnic characteristics, it continues a disturbing trend that we've seen for the past several years, where public and private institutions are seemingly self-segregating in a time when we just had the first African-American president for eight years,” Christie said in...

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  1. News flash here yall = IF YOU USE THE COLOR OF YOUR SKIN AS RULE THEN YOU = RACIST. That's it.

  2. This is the kind of crap I see over there all the time and the reason why I call it Portlandistan.
    I will absolutely guarantee this originated from that skinny little black councilwoman they have over there.

  3. Red Pill WisdomSaturday, May 02, 2020

    Portland, OR. That explains a lot. It used to be a nice place until the Leftist 'California Cockroaches' came up and brought their communist politics with them. Now it's a Leftist 'sh*thole city' like San Francisco and LA, both figuratively and literally.
    Expect this Leftist PC 'reverse-racism' nonsense to be found in Seattle next (if not already).

  4. The tribe agrees with the county.

  5. I think we used to call these places reservations. Or was that ghettos? Or slave quarters?

  6. "Heather Mac Donald, a Stanford-trained attorney and fellow at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research who writes about policing..." and that's all you need to know about the booolllssshhheeettt the article is conveying. In other words Ms MacDonald having NEVER HAD A REAL JOB, is now an expert, writing about discrimination in the police force. It's like they're all made from the same bolt of cloth or something. Next thing you know, she'll be running for a seat in the state legislature on her discrimination credentials.



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