90 Miles From Tyranny : Cambridge Rewards Academic Who Said 'White Lives Don't Matter' With Full Professorship

Friday, June 26, 2020

Cambridge Rewards Academic Who Said 'White Lives Don't Matter' With Full Professorship

Cambridge University academic Priyamvada Gopal revealed Thursday that she was promoted to a full professorship after receiving backlash for stating that "White Lives Don't Matter."

Gopal this morning announced on Twitter that she's "delighted" to reveal that "last night Cambridge promoted me to a full Professorship."

Gopal said Monday on Twitter: "I'll say it again. White Lives Don't Matter. As white lives."

"Abolish whiteness," Gopal said in a follow-up tweet.

Not surprisingly, Gopal received a lot of pushback and a Change.org petition was signed by over 19,000 people demanding she be fired.
Nonetheless, Cambridge responded with a statement defending their academics' "right" to express their "lawful opinions" which others "might find controversial."

Though Cambridge rushed to defend Gopal's right to say "White Lives Don't Matter," last year they rushed to sack academic Noah Carl for conducting "problematic" research criticizing incest and studying the relationship between immigrants' nation of origin and their crime rates.

Gopal's treatment also stands in stark contrast with that of Jake Hepple, who on Monday flew a "White Lives Matter" banner over a...

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  1. Seriously that is one disturbed looking guy! And it shows in his "achievements".

  2. Just another useless genocidal academic parroting the brainwash of the hour to get ahead. I suspect there were thousands of them, just like this one, in 1920's Russia and 1950's China and the 1970's Cambodia.

  3. BLM is the new KKK. Same stupid, hateful racism. Merely a different color.

  4. Cambridge is off my Master's list.

  5. I pray she(?) is on someone's AO list...

  6. Massive hooter.


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