90 Miles From Tyranny : Democrats Are Using Antifa to Foment Revolution

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Democrats Are Using Antifa to Foment Revolution

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”

To set the reality in which Antifa plans to prosecute the Democrats’ promised “revolution,” it needs to attack all the pillars of society. Throughout the country, they burned post offices, police precincts, banks, gas stations. city halls, and courts -- they hit the CNN Center, and now churches.

Barack Obama started the “fundamental transformation of the United States of America.” Yet, this is not Obama’s Antifa. A failure as president, he did manage to accomplish one important prerequisite for this rebellion. He instilled in the left the understanding that “change” must be forced upon an unwilling electorate.

With this insight, Antifa has transitioned from pajama-boy blobs of perpetually offended miscreants, mostly drawn from misanthropes who were picked last in high school, into a trained guerilla force with cool uniforms. Fascists like cool uniforms.

Antifa, the paramilitary arm of the Democratic Party, has spent the last three years recruiting, and organizing. They have mobilized and learned tactics. They have a plan and are working hard to cover all the bases. Starting slow, they probed to find what government would allow, media would trumpet, and the public would endure.

When they burned the 3rd Precinct in Minneapolis, they knew they could get away with anything.

And, as we have seen, they can adapt. This was evident Monday night in New York City. Instead of massing together in one place to confront police, they executed lightning-fast blitzkrieg attacks in small groups. Hitting commercial properties, they ripped down plywood and broke windows. They didn’t loot or dilly dally, they moved quickly to the next target before police could respond.

This “hit and run” tactic is perfect for their organization because spreading the destruction over larger areas negates the numerical advantage of police and national guard. They will surely take this nationwide -- it is what guerillas do.

Why Now?

With efforts by Obama administration emeriti and media minions to depose President Trump having collapsed in ignominy, and the thinly confected impeachment attempt going down in flames, Democrats knew they needed to rethink and regroup.

The advent of COVID and the ensuing lockdowns gave them the perfect opportunity to kill the crown jewel of Trump’s presidency, the booming economy. Democrat governors would prolong the lockdowns through November 3, 2020.

Yet, with Republican-run states successfully ditching the lockdowns to no apparent penalty, that plan is crumbling.

Time for Plan B

Democrats needed an excuse and the murder of George Floyd was perfect. It was time for them to unleash Antifa.

Antifa started with Democrat-run cities, of course, where the political leadership provided them a modicum of protection against identification and arrest. Minneapolis was the test case. Then, Atlanta, New York City, Seattle, Portland, LA, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, among others, became flashpoints of unrest.

The media and the Democrats portrayed the riots as a groundswell of support for not only those protesting Floyd’s murder, but also for their vision of hope and change. They bemoaned the violence, destruction, and anarchy, but reminded Americans that this was what “democracy looked like,” and “the people have spoken.”

Even as the rioting became more violent and the destruction more prevalent, media figures stood in front of cameras insisting the protests were “mostly peaceful,” while buildings burned and riots raged behind them. To explain the dichotomy, Democrats and talking heads pulled from their bag of tricks the time-honored fascist “big lie.” It was right wing extremists who were causing ...

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1 comment:

  1. This terrorism is run by the tribe. Funded and planned. Starting with Schwartz György, but aided and abetted by many others as well!!!


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