90 Miles From Tyranny : Reddit Starts Banning Users For Their Upvotes

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Reddit Starts Banning Users For Their Upvotes

Conde Nast's Reddit on Sunday started issuing temp bans against users for upvoting wrongthink.

This screenshot was shared by a user on r/WatchRedditDie, a subreddit which chronicles Reddit's aggressive censorship:

Reddit announced in February that users "who consistently upvote policy-breaking content within quarantined communities will receive automated warnings, followed by further consequences like a temporary or permanent suspension."

The level of censorship required to keep Reddit a far-left echo chamber is rather remarkable. They've banned every "far-right" subreddit in existence since 2016 and banned r/The_Donald through a mod takeover earlier this year.

Nonetheless, populist right-wing messages still manage to get through on various subs only to be censored by their petty mods.

Most of Reddit is controlled by just five mods and they censor users who dare to point this out.

It's rather interesting checking out the posts on r/WatchRedditDie to see just how extensive the censorship is.

This viral video posted a few days ago showing an old white guy being assaulted by...

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  1. Simple solution; stop using Fascist... er... Socialist... er... "SOCIAL" media... Stand behind your words instead of hiding behind your keyboard...

  2. I use to get on Reddit occasionally but could never comment on much because I had too much "negative karma". I finally deleted my account like I did with Facebook and others. I still do get on Quora which has a better mix of political views but their censoring seems to be picking up. I'll probably have to get off that pretty soon too.

  3. Most of Reddit is controlled by just five mods and they censor users who dare to point this out.

    I was banned several years ago and glad I was. I'll not waste another second of my life on trash fit for dumpster fire.


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