90 Miles From Tyranny : Rioters Don’t Want Criminal Justice Reform — They Want A Revolution

Friday, June 5, 2020

Rioters Don’t Want Criminal Justice Reform — They Want A Revolution

The white privilege on display here is on the left, where radical whites play at revolution, often to the detriment of poor minorities.

These rioters aren’t Martin Luther King Jr. or even Malcolm X. They are Alex and his droogs from “A Clockwork Orange” out for a night on the town, albeit with less style and a duller patois. Violence is the point.

Protests responding to the cruel police killing of George Floyd have been turned into nationwide riots and looting. This is not about Floyd anymore. His killing was universally condemned, the cops involved were fired, and homicide charges have been brought against the officer who knelt on Floyd’s neck. More should be done, and what has been done could have been done sooner, but folks are not looting the Nike store in downtown Chicago for greater justice. They just want to smash things and take stuff.

The very real problems of police misconduct and racial injustice have been buried under rubble and broken glass, then obscured in a haze of smoke and tear gas. Progress was possible— in his last State of the Union address, our bombastic Republican president was boasting about criminal justice reform — but that requires basic civil order. The problem with “no justice, no peace” is that although the absence of justice will indeed corrode peace, without peace there is no possibility of justice.

Meet the Revolutionaries

As the violent destruction escalated, much of the press spun conspiracy theories about white supremacist agitators and, of course, Russia. That was nonsense. The outside agitators are the same (mostly local) anarchist goons and Antifa thugs we have watched for years. The white privilege on display here is on the left, where radical whites play at revolution, often to the detriment of poor minorities. The radicals don’t care, because they want revolution, not reform. They want more violence, not less. They want to burn it down, regardless of whether “it” is a police station, an upscale shop, or a minority neighborhood.

Some of those taking to the streets want to protest peacefully, some are determined to incite violence and destruction, and others are somewhere in between. But in a crowd, these categories are fluid, and despite efforts by genuine protesters to maintain order in their ranks, the tendency is toward escalation, especially with the excitement of a righteous cause after weeks of being in lockdown. Mob violence, destruction, and theft are thrilling, especially after being stuck mostly alone and...

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1 comment:

  1. Nah, they don't want a revolution. If they did, they wouldn't be attacking middle America and mostly woke chain stores. I thought about this yesterday. That simply enables globalists, from amazon to other narrower avenues of purchase, which makes it difficult to purchase books to movies not on the approved by China list. If they were really doing a revolution, they would be destroying banking records, debt and mortgage data, from credit card to automobile loans. CEOs and board members of corpa-world would be being dragged through the streets, enabler politicians too. Especially, but not limited to, the left.

    They are just corporate bitches. My guess is only their top leaders know all of it, but many suspect. Once a democrat slave, always a democrat slave. As to antifa? More of them know. Broken on the wheel. They have completely surrendered to the void. I don't even think it is anarchy they seek, but oblivion. They are just afraid of death... want it imposed... on themselves and many others.


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