90 Miles From Tyranny : Seattle Mayor Celebrates “Summer of Love” as Rape and Violent Crime Soars in ‘CHAZ’ Communist Utopia

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Seattle Mayor Celebrates “Summer of Love” as Rape and Violent Crime Soars in ‘CHAZ’ Communist Utopia

Everything unfolding exactly as predicted.

The Mayor of Seattle celebrated a “summer of love” even as rape and violent crime soared in the new “autonomous zone” Communist utopia set up by left-wing extremists in a 6 block area of the city.

The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, or CHAZ, is a police-free district of Seattle that has been overrun by Black Lives Matter protesters since Monday.

After the police building was boarded up (with the tacit support of members of the city council), the first thing protesters did was to build a border wall and check the identities of everyone entering and leaving (oh the irony).

A local SoundCloud rapper called Raz Simone then appointed himself as “warlord” of the area and began making demands of police.

Left-wing extremists then complained that homeless people had taken all their food and requested that people make donations of soy...

Read More HERE


  1. Too Funny For WordsSaturday, June 13, 2020

    "Left-wing extremists then complained that homeless people had taken all their food and requested that people make donations..."

    All TOO Typical! This shows yet another time how Socialism/Communism 'works' only when they have another system (ie, capitalism) to leech off of and support them.
    It wasn't for nothing that Maggie Thatcher said how "Socialism 'works' only until it runs out of other people's money"!

    The area should be cordoned off and isolated so that the Socialists/Communists/Extremists/Anarchists who supported this and made it, should be made to have to live under their warlord for as long as possible. After all they WANTED it!
    It's also interesting to note that they put up blockades and 'checkpoints', isn't it? I guess walls DO work, don't they?!

  2. So, then shooting people on the streets there isn't a crime. Got it. Asking for a friend.


  3. Send the stupid "Warlord" to a gulag in Russia, lock him up there, then throw away the key.

  4. If you catch that idiot in the open give him a 7.62 mm Lobotomy. Then hit that zone with everything you have. While they are still in shock


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