90 Miles From Tyranny : What Is The Difference Between Socialism And Communism?

Friday, June 5, 2020

What Is The Difference Between Socialism And Communism?


  1. socialism....like cuba.... keeps people in line by using barbed wire and bullets...whereas communists, like north korea, use bullets and barbed wire

  2. There's been the notion on the internet that socialism is different than Communism, because socialism hasn't take your guns yet.

  3. who's going to take them? the cops?!

  4. As the late Mike Vanderboegh once said,"A Socialist is a Communist who has not yet found his AK-47 and the will to use it.... where as a Communist is a Socialist who "Has!!" found his AK-47 and the will to use it...."
    From the way the Dim-o-crap's are acting... they have pulled off the blinders and gone "full tilt commie!!!"
    PS One thing so far... according to their rhetoric they can't tell the difference between an "Assault Weapon" and "A Salt Weapon...."
    PPS There is no such thing as an "Assault Weapon!!" The phrase is contrived by the LEFT!! and then again they have no clue what they are talking about...

    1. Thanks for the Mike Vanderboegh quote, skybill. I was thinking of it when I saw the meme. And an "assault weapon" is any weapon used in the crime of assault. Government statistics show that fists and feet are used more to murder than all rifles. So called "assault weapons" are semi auto rifles as opposed to full auto used in offensive military assault. The leftist want to take away the semi auto rifles because they know they are the most effective self defense weapons. That is why they want to ban AND CONFISCATE them.


      --Ron W

  5. I miss the Sipsey Street Irregulars. Mike did some amazing things exposing those corrupt individuals who hate freedom. Mike came to Washington State gave a speech in Olympia, People and politicians noticed.


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