90 Miles From Tyranny : YouTube Bans Stefan Molyneux & Others, Reddit Changes Rules to Allow Hate Speech Against 'People In The Majority'

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

YouTube Bans Stefan Molyneux & Others, Reddit Changes Rules to Allow Hate Speech Against 'People In The Majority'

In a Big Tech censorship extravaganza on Monday, YouTube banned Stefan Molyneux, Jared Taylor and others, Reddit banned thousands of subreddits for "hate" and changed their rules to explicitly allow hate speech against "people who are in the majority," and Amazon-owned Twitch suspended President Trump's channel for "hateful conduct."

YouTube banned Jared Taylor's American Renaissance channels, The Iconoclast, The American Guard and David Duke, according to the Free Speech organization altCensored, which attempts to back up channels YouTube deletes over their political speech.

Stefan Molyneux's channel alone had nearly 1 million subscribers and over...

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  1. Folks, I know if you're reading this this is probably redundant, but:


    Its on like DonkeyvKong people, this is active censorship of dissenting opinion by government (if they're not rebersing the discrimination, they are by definition complicit in it!)

    YOU, you right-wing MAGA voter: your government is repressing you and your opinion to facilitate control over you. They are suppressing dissenting opinion from free expression. This road ends at the railway station or bus depot, and a trench dug way out in the country.people, WAKE THE FUCK UP!!! ITS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!

  2. A free society...being destroyed by meddlers and fools.
    When one man like Stephan is eliminated, then be assured his conclusions are precise, and precludes
    his sovereignty as an intelligent platform be diminished as punishment. Voltaire once observed just such
    behavior by sinister monarchy sociopaths. YouTube has now become a self conflicted monstrocity, a complicit
    component of Agenda 21. Their playbook - Chairman Mao's little Red Book. Scum...literal scumbags at YouTube.


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